Interjection words - Hurrah, Oh, Ooh, Oomph, Oops
Usage of Interjection words : Hurrah!, Oh!, Ooh!, Oomph! and Oops!

Usage of interjection words Hurrah, Oh, Ooh, Oomph, Oops in English

Most common Interjection words : Hurrah, Oh, Ooh, Oomph and Oops

"Interjections are short sounds, words, or phrases that add color to our conversations."

There are different types of interjection words used depending on the situation and the feeling you want to express. Hurrah!, Oh!, Ooh!, Oomph! and Oops! interjection words are used in everyday speech to convey a wide range of emotions and reactions.

Interjections can convey surprise, excitement, disgust, joy, and other strong emotions. Here are some examples of interjection words like : Hurrah, Oh, Ooh, Oomph and Oops with their meaning and uses in sentences to better understand how they function in our everyday communication.

Common Interjections words:

Hurrah! Oh! Ooh! Oomph! Oops!
Meaning and examples of Interjection words: Hurrah!, Oh!, Ooh!, Oomph! and Oops!
Use of Interjection word: 'Hurrah'
Interjaction word 'Hurrah!' used for joy, happiness and celebration.
Examples using 'Hurrah!':
  • Hurrah! We won.
  • Hurray! It’s the weekend!
  • Hurrah! My daddy has come.
  • • School is cancelled. Hurray!
Use of Interjection word: 'Oh'
Interjaction word 'Oh!' used for expressing surprise, pain and pleading.
Examples using 'Oh!':
  • Oh! What a ball.
  • Oh! You're here!
  • Oh! please say 'yes'.
  • Oh! I didn’t know that.
  • Oh! I've got a toothache.
  • Oh! I didn’t expect to see you here.
  • Oh! it’s been around a week since I saw her.
Use of Interjection word: 'Ooh'
Interjaction word 'Ooh!' used for comfort.
Examples using 'Ooh!':
  • Ooh, it's shiny!
  • Ooh, I love it all.
  • Ooh! That’s interesting.
  • Ooh! This blanket is so cozy.
  • Ooh! What a comfortable seat!
Use of Interjection word: 'Oomph'
Interjaction word 'Oomph!' often used to convey a sense of surprise or shock. (surprised, astonished, flabbergasted, enthusiasm)
Examples using 'Oomph!':
  • • Social Oomph helps manage Facebook, ping.
  • Oomph! I can’t believe I just won the lottery!
  • • But so far this season, the winter storms have lacked oomph.
  • • Four flywheels would have the oomph to run a standard-size car.
Use of Interjection word: 'Oops'
Interjaction word 'Oops!' used when you made a mistake.
Examples using 'Oops!':
  • • I forgot my bag. Oops!
  • Oops! I’m sorry. That was my mistake.
  • Oops! Sorry I didn’t see those papers there.
  • Oops, I think I called that guy by the wrong name.
Common words used as Interjection are:

Common Interjections words:

Aah! Ah! Aha! Ahh! Alas!
Aww! Bah! Bingo! Bosh! Bravo!
Dear! Eh! Er! Eww! Geez!
Hey! Hello! Hi! Hmm! Humph!
Hurrah! Oh! Ooh! Oomph! Oops!
Ouch! Pooh! Shh! Tut-tut! Uh!
Uh-huh! Uh-oh! Um! Umm! Whew!
Wow! Yay-yaay! Yeah! Yikes! Yippee!
Gosh! Phew! Cool! Cheers! Congratulations!
Ahem! Woohoo! Shoo! Damn! Listen!

(Click on Conjunction word for more details)

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Uses of Interjection words in English Language


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