OPPOSITE WITH PREFIX like-Ab, Anti, De dis, Ig, Im, Il, In, Ir, Mal, Mis, Non |
Prefix with "AB" |
Word |
Opposite |
Normal |
Abnormal |
Origin |
Aborigin |
Prefix with "ANTI" |
Social |
Antisocial |
Curruption |
Anticurruption |
Terrorist |
Antiterrorist |
Government |
Antigoverment |
Clockwise |
Anticlockwise |
National |
Antinatilnal |
Prefix with "DE" |
Merit |
Demerit |
Promote |
Demote |
Grade |
Degrade |
Attach |
Detach |
Code |
Decode |
Control |
Decontrol |
Composed |
Decomposed |
Centralise |
Decentralised |
Rail |
Derail |
Prefix with "DIS" |
Arm |
Disarm |
Agree |
Disagree |
Appear |
Disappear |
Allow |
Disallow |
Advantage |
Disadvantage |
Connect |
Disconnect |
Courtious |
Discourtious |
Continue |
Discontinue |
Credit |
Discredit |
Close |
Disclose |
Content |
Discontent |
Encourage |
Disencourage |
Franchise |
Disfranchise |
Honour |
Dishonour |
Pleased |
Displeased |
Respect |
Disrespect |
Satisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Unity |
Disunity |
Embark |
Disembark |
Honest |
Dishonest |
Interest |
Disinterest |
Investment |
Disinvestment |
Loyal |
Disloyal |
Organise |
Disorganise |
Regard |
Disregard |
Trust |
Distrust |
Prefix with "IG" |
Noble |
Ignoble |
Prefix with "IM" |
Balance |
Imbalance |
Mortal |
Immortal |
Moral |
Immoral |
Movable |
Immovable |
Material |
Immaterial |
Mature |
Immature |
Patient |
Impatient |
Pure |
Impure |
Polite |
Impolite |
Practical |
Impractical |
Perfact |
Imperfect |
Prefix with "IL" |
Word |
Opposite |
Legal |
Illegal |
Literate |
Illiterate |
Legible |
Illgible |
Prefix with "IN" |
Active |
Inactive |
Adequate |
Inadequate |
Accurate |
Inaccurate |
Audible |
Inaudible |
Ability |
Inability |
Correct |
Incorrect |
Curable |
Incurable |
Competent |
Incompetent |
Complete |
Incomplete |
Convenient |
Inconvenient |
Definite |
Indefinite |
Descipline |
Indescipline |
Dependent |
Independent |
Decent |
Indecent |
Different |
Indifferent |
Efficient |
Inefficient |
Exactly |
Inexactly |
Elegant |
Inelegant |
Essential |
Inessential |
Frequent |
Infrequent |
Formal |
Informal |
Gratitude |
Ingratitude |
Justic |
Injustic |
Sincear |
Insincear |
Tolerance |
Intolerance |
Prefix with "IR" |
Regular |
Irregular |
Religious |
Irreligious |
Respective |
Irrespective |
Responsible |
Irresponsible |
Repairable |
Irrepairable |
Replacable |
Irreplacable |
Prefix with "MAL" |
Adjustment |
Maladjustment |
Function |
Malfunction |
Nurition |
Malnurition |
Practice |
Malpractice |
Treatment |
Maltreatment |
Prefix with "MIS" |
Behave |
Misbehave |
Couduct |
Misconduct |
Carriage |
Miscarriage |
Fit |
Misfit |
Fortune |
Misfortune |
Fire |
Misfire |
Guide |
Misguide |
Judge |
Misjudge |
Lead |
Mislead |
Manage |
Mismanage |
Place |
Misplace |
Used |
Misused |
Prefix with "NON" |
Co-Operative |
Non-co-operative |
Bailable |
Nonbailable |
Existent |
Nonexistent |
Violence |
Nonviolence |