Subordinating Conjunction words - What, Where, When, Whenever and Whereas
Subordinating Conjunction Words : What, Where, When, Whenever and Whereas

Use of Conjunctions What, Where, When, Whenever, Whereas in English

Subordinating Conjunctions : What, Where, When, Whenever, Whereas

"Make relationship between two clauses / sentences"

Subordinating Conjunction words What, Where, When, Whenever and Whereas comes at the beginning of a Subordinate or Dependent Clause and establishes the relationship between the dependent clause and the rest of the sentence.

These words (What, Where, When, Whenever, Whereas) also turns the clause into something that depends on the rest of the sentence for its meaning.

Common Subordinating Conjunctions are:

What Where When Whenever Whereas
Uses of Conjunction Words: (What, Where, When, Whenever, Whereas)
Use of Subordinating conjunction word 'What'
Subordinating Conjunction word 'What' is used for referring to a particular thing, action, or idea.
  • • I don't know what to do.
  • • I don't know what to say.
  • • You haven't given me what I asked for.
  • • I like to fish, and I often cook what I catch.
Use of Subordinating conjunction word 'Where'
Subordinating Conjunction word 'Where' is used for referring to a particular place that someone or something is in or that they go to.
  • • The carriage will be waiting where it dropped you.
  • • I found my pen on the bench where we had been sitting.
  • • I was a teacher in the school where Rahul was studying.
  • • We were led to the dining hall, where lunch was being served.
Use of Subordinating conjunction word 'When'
Subordinating Conjunction word 'When' is used for talking about a particular time or situation.
  • • I woke up when my baby was crying.
  • • They continued when the storm was over.
  • When you're in Nepal, write an e-mail to me.
  • When the doorbell rang, my dog Tomy barked loudly.
Use of Subordinating conjunction word 'Whenever'
Subordinating Conjunction word 'Whenever' is used for every time that something happens.
  • Whenever I smiled, she smiled back.
  • • I go out whenever the weather is good.
  • Whenever I hear that song, I think of you.
  • • We can meet wherever it is most convenient for you.
Use of Subordinating conjunction word 'Whereas'
Subordinating Conjunction word 'Whereas' is used for comparing two things, people, situations etc and showing that there is an important difference between them.
  • • I will succeed whereas you will fail.
  • • I am staying in whereas you are going out.
  • • Some people like junk food, whereas others hate it.
  • • This bag is a bit small whereas this one has lots of extra pockets.
  • • Officers' salaries have risen substantially, whereas Other Staff's pay has fallen.
  • Whereas knowledge can be acquired from books, skills must be learned through practice.
Most common words used as subordinating Conjunctions are:

Common Subordinating Conjunction words:

As If As if If only As long as
Either Even Even if Even so Even Though
How However In case In order that In spite of
Since Than Rather than Till Until
That Now that Though Although As though
So Because Before After Except
Only Once Otherwise Neither Unless
What Where When Whenever Whereas
While Whilst Without Wherever Whether

(Click on Conjunction word for more details)

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